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Why promote getting it done right the first time?

It may sound like common sense, but surprisingly I have come across various clients that didn’t enforce this in the beginning. What does it really mean to have your website built right the first time?

Understand who is building your website

Is this person or company reputable? Have they done it before? What better way of knowing that it can be done correctly the first time than having someone who has built your type of website before. Web design is actually quite repetitive despite the front end design.

Make sure the website can evolve

Ask this question in the consultation process. Can we add software down the road? Will I be able to make changes as the client? Don’t go too far down the rabbit hole without knowing the answers. This can save time and money for both you and the designer.

Know everything that is included

Never Assume! It’s not redundant to ask what is involved with web design. Every company and designer has a different approach and process. One may include a blog without ever saying anything, one may charge for each page and one company may charge a consultation fee. If someone makes you feel bad or you feel insulted from the individual because you asked, you may should reconsider working with them.

Of course, if you want to have all this taken care of and done right the first time – then call us at GCJ Productions!